Ain't No Party Like a Clone Club Party Because a Clone Club Party Has Infinite Clones

Aug 3 2014 - 8:12am

The fans of Orphan Black [1] don't ever disappoint. At this year's San Diego, CA, Comic-Con, they brought the cosplay hard [2] and gathered together to honor the kick-ass spirit of the show [3] in the best way possible — a party.

But when a fandom of this scale meets, they don't just hang out at someone's house, gathered around a season one DVD; no, they have Tumblr and BBC America throw it. Meaning, it'll be the inspiration for all Orphan Black parties forever more.

To have a Clone Club party like a pro, follow this step-by-step guide as presented by the experts themselves, the Tumblr fandom. In a perfect world, your party would also include the cast and creators stopping by to judge a Clone Club costume, but if that can't happen, just don't go without the multiclone dance party.

Source: Tumblr use thatscomplex [4]

Invite your cosplay comrades/sestras.

Source: Tumblr user Thats Complex [5]

Once inside, take a moment to bow at the altar of Cophine [6].

Source: Tumblr user A Paradox Influx [7]

Hit up the Sestra [8] selfie station.

Source: Tumblr user Dead Beth [9]

Make like Helena and eat some nosh [10].

Source: Tumblr user Thats Complex [11]

Decorate with fan art.

Source: Tumblr user Thats Complex [12]

Seriously incredible fan art.

Source: Tumblr user Thats Complex [13]

Hold a cosplay costume contest hosted by, oh, I don't know, the stars of the show.

Source: Tumblr user Thats Complex [14]

Make them laugh with your Clone Club antics.

Source: Tumblr user Thats Complex [15]

Stare in awe at the angel that is Tatiana Maslany [16].

Source: Tumblr user mrah [17]

Win the contest with seriously fierce Alison and Cosima cosplay, as blessed by Tat herself.

Source: Tumblr user c-estmabiologie [18]

If dressed like Alison, bring a hot glue gun. For crafts, but also so that Tatiana Maslany can do . . .

Source: Tumblr user chardonnaythroughtheday [19]

This. Like the clone leader she is.

Source: Tumblr user chardonnaythroughtheday [20]

Later, visit the Ball Pit of Denial [21] with the rest of the fandom.

Source: Tumblr user Thats Complex [22]

Watch the whole Clone Club Party Spectacular

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