The Power of Makeup Transformations Will Make You Rethink Your Own Routine

When NikkieTutorials uploaded a vlog titled "The Power of Makeup" earlier this year, she kicked off a powerful trend in counteracting makeup shaming.

This YouTuber noticed a rise in makeup-shaming judgement and stigma directed at those who apply heavy products like foundation, eyeliner, and concealer. Eager to speak out against this stigma, Nikkie created a half-and-half, before-and-after transformation that made a bold and unafraid statement: everyone should be free to enjoy makeup without being made to feel guilty over it.

Since the original video was posted in May, there's been an outpouring of support — both from other makeup artists and from their fans. Other vlogs displaying the "power of makeup" — emulating Nikkie's original half-and-half video — have flooded YouTube, and many side-by-side Instagrams have been posted using the hashtags #PowerOfMakeup and #ThePowerOfMakeup. Following this powerful lead, there has been a shift away from makeup-shaming and towards makeup-positivity and empowerment.

While most trends seem to dwindle after a few weeks or months, this blockbuster movement hasn't showed any signs of slowing down over the past seven months. What started as one vlogger's mission to eliminate makeup-shaming stigma has transformed into something as beautiful as the art form itself: one of the most powerful beauty trends of 2015.

Check out some of the best on-trend Instagrams below, and join the conversation by posting your own #PowerOfMakeup transformation!