This Sweet Boy Inspired Thousands to Turn On Their Porch Lights For His Late Dad

Last year, Staff Sergeant Thomas Baysore was killed in Afghanistan, and on the one-year anniversary of his death, his 6-year-old son asked people to turn on their porch lights so his dad could see them shining. His father told him "I love you to the moon and back" the night before he was deployed, so Darren wanted his dad to see lights shining from the moon, where he believes his dad is now. He told his mom that he wanted the world to be bright "so Daddy can see . . . that I love him," and his touching wish came true on Friday, when thousands of people across the world switched on their porch lights to honor Darren and his dad. People posted pictures of their lit-up homes on Facebook, and Darren's mom, Jamie, said it meant the world to them. "All I could think of is that millions of people . . . had helped restore that for us." Watch the moving video above for more of Darren's sweet story.

Facebook | Shining Love to Daddy Baysore
Facebook | Shining Love to Daddy Baysore