This Woman's Ultralong Hair Makes Her Look Like Rapunzel IRL

Instagram | dashik_gubanova

If you're an impatient person, then you know what a struggle it can be to grow out your hair. We always start out with the intention of achieving Rapunzel-esque strands, and we pamper ourselves with nourishing masks and consistent visits to the salon to snip off split ends. But inevitably, we get frustrated by the lack of progress and ask our stylist to just chop it all off.

But it seems Dashik Gubanova Freckle doesn't know what it's like to get restless during the grow-out process. According to her Instagram, she has been on a mission since 2003 — and that mission is to grow her hair all the way down to her toes. She's quite close to her goal (her strands nearly reach her ankles), and because she's documented some of her journey on her feed, she's earned over 100,000 envious followers.

Not only does she post pictures of her amazing mane, she posts videos, too. The way she moves her hair for the camera makes it look like a sheet of glossy fabric. Read on and prepare to be mesmerized by her cascading coif.