Woman Addresses the Stigmas Surrounding Depression With Parody Makeup DIY

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If you have suffered from depression, you know the stigmas surrounding it. People suggest "smiling more" will make your sadness go away. Others are convinced that you just have to "snap out of it," and then life will be all sunshine and daffodils. Fed up with the misconceptions around this common illness, YouTube star Amy Geliebter decided to address them via a funny (yet all-too-true) makeup tutorial.

"Make sure your foundation is nice and rocky and emotionally unstable," she quipped as she dabbed on product with a Beautyblender. "Next, we want to deny our depression completely as we pretend to be someone we're not in an attempt to make the people around us happy," she said. "To do this, we're going to use a contour kit."

This is not the first time Geliebter has slammed stereotypes in a beauty DIY. She has also done a "bisexual makeup tutorial." Brace yourself when watching the above video; its jokes point to some very real truths that can be hard to acknowledge.