Keep Allergies at Bay the Natural Way With This DIY Treatment

POPSUGAR Photography | Kathryna Hancock
POPSUGAR Photography | Kathryna Hancock

If you suffer from pollen-related allergies, you'll know it's no fun spending the Summer doped up on antihistamines. Though some of us can take traditional medication without suffering, others feel drowsy, lethargic, or sick. If you've been looking for a more natural way to treat that runny nose and red eyes, you could see success from this carefully chosen blend of three essential oils; lavender, lemon, and peppermint.

Together, they are said to have properties that attack all the main symptoms of a pollen allergy: Lavender is believed to be a natural antihistamine and also soothes muscle tension. Peppermint eases headaches and clears the sinuses, opening up the nose. Lemon is anti-inflammatory and some believe it improves overall immunity. You can add other beneficial oils to boost the blend even more (try eucalyptus, rosemary, or chamomile) but for beginners to aromatherapy, lemon, lavender, and peppermint are inexpensive and easy to find and could really make a difference.

Depending on the quality of the oils you buy, you can choose to use them in different ways, but the easiest way is to dilute an equal number of drops of each oil in a carrier oil (such as jojoba oil, almond oil, or coconut oil) and add to a small bottle with a rollerball cap. This is the recipe I use:

Carefully add the essential oils to the bottle, one drop at a time. If you overdo it and end up with 11 or 12 drops instead of 10, don't worry! Top up with the coconut oil until the bottle is just over 3/4 full and add the rollerball to the lid. There you have it!

This blend can then be rolled onto the skin wherever you like, just shake it gently before each use. When your allergies act up, try rolling it behind the ears and down towards the jaw, as well as on pulse points. Massage it into the soles of the feet for a foot rub with added benefits (according to the principles of aromatherapy, it'll get into the bloodstream quickly this way). You should find your nose begins to clear quite quickly and that cooling, soothing peppermint will be noticeable.

How long the relief lasts depends on the strength of your own allergies. Some people find one application to the feet is enough, others need to top up a number of times throughout the day. While it may not offer the same kind of relief as medication, it's a natural alternative that can be surprisingly effective, and you can also do this as well as taking medication if you suffer particularly badly. Here's to a sneeze-free Summer!