This Model Showing Off the "Gross" Side of Beauty Makes Her Our Hero

After Australian teen Essena O'Neill exposed the truth behind the life of an Instagram celebrity, more women are feeling empowered to show off their real lives on social media (as opposed to their carefully-curated existences). London-based model Stina Sanders is one of those ladies, and she has seen her Instagram followers drop by thousands because she's stopped flaunting photo shoot snaps and exposing the less-than-pretty aspects of her life.

While some fans may have preferred to see her airbrushed bikini photos and ultraglam selfies, we love that Stina is sharing things like mustache bleaching and colonoscopy appointments on her feed. Not all of life is gorgeous, even in that of a supermodel. Keep reading to see some of our favorite, personal shots.

"When you go to take a selfie but your camera takes a shot before you're ready. Double chins and all!"

"Thought I'd post you a photo before my pedi! Anyone who wants to take up running, I'd advise you not to. My toe nails are falling off, I have swollen ankles and disfigured toes. Delicious!"

"De-fuzzing Monday!"

"The IBS is bad! So it's colonic irrigation time....."

"It's 12:50 I still haven't showered or brushed my teeth. I'm on my second cup of coffee and I'm going to see how long I can go without caring about my personal hygiene."

"My phone obviously is so used to taking speed-selfies it took a burst of 60 photos, when all I was trying to do was allocate the spot on my shoulder so I could squeeze it. Not so smart now are we Apple?"

"Harley Street isn't just to fix your nose or your boobs — you can also fix your mind! I've just finished an intense two-month psychotherapy session to sort out my anxiety issues. It's been over two weeks since my last panic attack. Depression and anxiety [aren't] something to hide away from. Get talking!"