4 Reasons I'm Not Going Back to Being a Brunette Yet

POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone
POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone
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Since becoming a blonde two years ago, I can't say my life has gotten more fun — at least not particularly. The first thing that happened was an impromptu video chat with my boyfriend. His widened eyes said it all, but that didn't stop him from saying, "You look . . . different."

My transition from silky, dark brown locks was gradual. First I got tawny-looking highlights that were much too streaky, and two days later I marched into a random barbershop (note: this is never a good idea) and asked for a single-process dye job. From that moment on, things got rather janky. I couldn't believe how coarse my strands had become, and looking at photos of myself, I was concerned. My hair looked stained: a mustardy yellow, if you will.

Nevertheless, I counted Kate Bosworth and Sienna Miller as my favorite beauty icons. I was determined to get that look — at least when it came to shade. I eventually met a new stylist who nurtured my hair back to health, slowly but surely tweaking my tone to complement my olive skin. She highlighted it gradually with intermittent toner sessions, which held me over until it was time to go lighter. Now I'm feeling better than ever about my shade of blond, and I just got bangs modeled after — you guessed it — Sienna's. Despite my tough journey, I don't want to go back to brown hair just yet. I have blond ambition, you see.

Only, here's the thing: I'm a brunette at heart. When I look at photos of myself with a dark lob, I think I look sexy — especially in the middle of Summer. I feel like a brunette, even though I haven't been for over two years. Though I like the way I look, I know I was more confident before I made the switch. But I still plan to stay blond for as long as possible before going back to my natural color.

The color of your hair can't change every day, like your outfit. Your hair color helps to define you and your vibe, and it might even impact your sense of style. A fresh cut can bring out your feminine side; maybe your bob inspires you to slip on a headband and update your wardrobe with a preppy twist. In other words, a hair change is a big deal. When it's time to go back to brown, I'll just know. It'll be a new chapter of my life, but first, I just want to make sure I've lived this one to the fullest.

It's a Look
POPSUGAR Photography | Matthew Barnes

It's a Look

And I value a good look. Sometimes I love an outfit I put together so much, I wish there were more than 24 hours in the day to wear it. When I throw on a dress, blow out my hair, and get the curve of my bangs just right, my blond hair becomes part of the look. "This mini just wouldn't look as good on a brunette," I think as I look in the mirror. OK, so maybe that's not entirely true, but the fact that I'm still feeling my light locks tells me something: I may not be having way more fun, but I'm still having fun with my hair.

My Blond Hair Invites Compliments
POPSUGAR Photography | Grace Hitchcock

My Blond Hair Invites Compliments

Being the only blonde in my family, I always stand out in a group photo. But not in a bad way. When someone asks me if I've dyed my hair, I'm not ashamed, and I don't feel unnatural with the shade. It's not like my personality is any different than it was when I was a brunette. However, I've been told blond hair shows off my spunky side. Plus, it's a fresh new look to introduce to my friends who haven't seen me in a while.

It's Not Healthy to Switch Back and Forth
POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone

It's Not Healthy to Switch Back and Forth

If I go back to brown too soon, I'll regret it. I know that if I listened to that tiny voice in my head every Fall, peeping up and asking, "Is it time to go back to brown?!," I'd miss the blonde in me. Plus, it took a long time for me to nurse my hair back to health after far too much bleach, and I don't want to go through that again. So once I decide to go back, I want to go back for good.

While my old hair color can be salvaged for the most part, its texture and strength cannot — at least not fully. Today, I use hair masks to maintain silkiness (I love L'Oréal's Intense Repair Cuti Liss System), and I wash weekly with Clairol's Shimmer Lights Shampoo to brighten my highlights. Keeping my hair healthy is not something I want to be wishy-washy about.

It's Helping Me Adapt to Change — Something I Hate

It's Helping Me Adapt to Change — Something I Hate

I've never been good at embracing change. Anything new and different — be it a career move, an unfamiliar roommate, even a desk swap at work — scares me. I always ask myself, "Will I be able to operate as usual?" Going blond was like that for me. I still can't believe I made the decision to do it, but god knows I was sitting in the salon chair thinking "WTF AM I DOING?" while it all went down. But I've accepted my new look, and I'm willing to make small updates (like these new bangs). It's been refreshing to embrace the switch instead of resisting it. In fact, I'm really enjoying myself. Wait — does that mean I actually am having more fun? So be it.