This Teen Accidentally Spent $733 at Sephora With Her Mom's Credit Card

Many of us weren't quite masters of saving money as teens (or even to this day . . . ), but there's a good chance you never accidentally spent over $700. Alex Dello, a 15-year-old "makeup fiend" from Pittsburgh, recently did just that. She posted a hilarious video to Twitter after accidentally spending an enormous amount of her mother's money on Sephora's website.

The teen was browsing the site and adding things to her cart in order to save them for later (without necessarily intending to buy them) and wanted to check how much she had on a gift card. After entering the gift card's information, Alex discovered that not only did it have a zero balance on it, but her mother's credit card information had been saved . . . and had gone through with the purchase of all $733 worth of products in her cart.

Alex posted a video on Twitter of her panicking about trying to get the order canceled and contemplating if her mother was going to kill her. Alex's rant is hysterically relatable for makeup-lovers who have a plethora of palettes on their wish lists.

According to BuzzFeed, Alex's mother, Marcia DelloStritto, decided to gift her daughter the beauty haul for Christmas instead of punishing her. Basically, this is a Christmas makeup miracle. Check out Alex's post below.

I just accidentally charged my mother's card $733 @Sephora

— alex dello. (@dellojello) November 22, 2016