Lena Dunam Is Also the New Queen of Social Media

Source: Getty

According to Vogue, Lena Dunham is "the new queen of comedy," and we can't help but notice that her Twitter account reigns supreme, too. In December, Lena told Salon about her Twitter habits, opening up about the fact that it's sometimes challenging to juggle social media among all her other responsibilities. "I'm a writer, and sort of an actor, and a director," she said, "but I'm also supposed to be able to pose for photos and have an amazing Twitter that doesn't offend anybody." Well, her Twitter feed is pretty amazing, and it made headlines this week when she used it to help a stranger sell a couch. Yes, a couch.

Source: Craigslist

On Tuesday, a Brooklyn resident named Mickey Dwyer listed a couch on Craigslist, calling it "basically the Lena Dunham of couches." With a picture of Lena photoshopped beside his couch, Mickey's listing managed to sound an awful lot like Girls' Hannah Horvath.

Selling a classy beautiful sexy REAL and relatable couch that's comfortable. This is basically the Lena Dunham of couches. This is just..like a couch I don't know why everything needs a label like we're fruit or something and you just have to pick them off or sometimes you swallow them and don't even notice.

Is it OKAY for us to talk about a regular and normal couch being sexy? Can we recognize that?

It's a real couch being a real couch and we don't see much of that in living rooms. Finally, a couch that is just like a couch you know or grew up with but it's new and it's okay for this couch to be pretty and sexual and everyone doesn't have to freak out about it. I think that couches get stuck in a vortex of comfort vs. sexuality and it's all just...life. And we need to get over it.

$200 it's yours. Got it Macy's for over $800 less than two years ago.


After posting his couch on Craigslist, Mickey tweeted at Lena asking for help — and she obliged by retweeting his request.

.@lenadunham Will you help me sell my couch? I have less followers than you and need it outta here. http://t.co/KI29PhAF0z Thanks. #couch

— Mickey Dwyer (@mickey_dwyer) January 21, 2014

It marked the latest in a series of buzzed-about tweets from Lena, who also found herself in a silly Twitter feud with Shia LaBeouf in early January, plus at the center of a Photoshop-related Vogue cover controversy just last week. In any case, the star's proving that — time-crunched or not — she still manages to be hilarious in 140 characters or fewer on an almost-everyday basis. Check out some of Lena's must-see tweets since the start of 2014.

Projecting a lot of rage against my 7th grade boyfriend on LaBeouf. Think this is the start of something really productive #2014

— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) January 4, 2014

Following Shia's strange skywriting apology for plagiarism, Lena took to Twitter to joke about the situation, saying, "Vaguely recognized Shia Labeouf's latest twitter apology and realized it was MINE! Touché, Louis Stevens."

When I see the name Kerry in a New York Times headline I assume it's Kerry Washington #Iwish #shouldbekerrywashington

— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) January 6, 2014

Lena, she's just like us! As in, a total Kerry Washington fangirl.

I've really been dining out on the fact that I met the Bachelor and he gave me chocolate. Gonna stretch this glory ouuut.

— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) January 9, 2014

She wasn't immune to Juan Pablo's charms, either. (But that changed after his controversial comments.)

Why take quaaludes when there are cheeseburgers?

— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) January 10, 2014

A very important question, which we're guessing is probably in reference to Leonardo DiCaprio's epic scene in The Wolf of Wall Street.

... But the biggest development of 2014 is that I have a pen pal and she's not Catfishing me and she's made of magic.

— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) January 14, 2014

We're officially jealous of Lena's magic pen pal.

Did the thing I swore I'd never do: got a public massage at an airport kiosk. It hurts not to know yourself anymore.

— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) January 15, 2014

We can't say we haven't been there, Lena.

Some shit is just too ridiculous to engage. Let's use our energy wisely, 2014.

— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) January 17, 2014

After a reward was offered in exchange for Lena's untouched Vogue cover-shoot photos, the star encouraged people to shift their focus.

Lamby wants you to know he is available for catalogues, runway and porn shoots. He travels with a masseuse.

— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) January 18, 2014

FYI, Lamby is her dog.

Jared Leto has a psychosexual hold on everyone who watched My So-Called Life and it's really complicating this awards season

— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) January 19, 2014

And last but not least, Lena hit the nail on the head when she tweeted about everyone's Jared Leto crush.

Source: HBO

Bottom line: Lena just gets it. And if you need to sell some furniture, well, you know what to do.