The Only Part of American Horror Story That Mattered This Week

American Horror Story: Roanoke is a web of total insanity, but a bright light shined upon us this week, and his name is Rhett Snow. Here's the setup: Cricket needs to go back to his motel to grab some spirit-banishing materials (sage, etc.) so he calls an Uber. The Uber driver is just going along with his life, when this happens:

"Tell me, young man, have you ever heard the term 'Gay for Pay'?"

*Stomps on Gas When Flora Runs Out in Front of the Car*

"It was just a question!"

There's some crazy sh*t that happens on American Horror Story, but I truly didn't expect to hear the phrase "Gay for Pay" this season. Cut to the "real" Rhett Snow, who is being interviewed, just like Real Shelby and Real Matt. Why is he even important? Is it because he's fine as hell?

The Real MVP

Coincidentally, Rhett Snow is played by an actor named Billy Snow, who has played several waiters, a bartender, a "Gym Sales Guy," a "Hunky Pick-Up Owner," and Phil on Teen Wolf. He's also starred in a movie titled Model for Murder: The Centerfold Killer. I'm just going to leave that there.