The Filmmakers Behind Making a Murderer Reveal Whether or Not They Think Steven Avery Is Guilty

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After watching Netflix's tragic documentary series Making a Murderer, the country has been in the midst of a fierce debate over whether or not convicted Wisconsin murderer Steven Avery is actually guilty. Stephen Colbert is among those in search of the truth and attempted to get to the bottom of it when the show's filmmakers, Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos, stopped by The Late Show on Tuesday night. "Regardless of [what] the intention of it was, people are debating all over the United States, after watching your documentary, is he guilty or not? What do you think?" Colbert asked. Ricciardi quickly responded that since the state didn't meet its burden in either Avery's case or his nephew Brendan Dassey's, that she found him "not guilty," to which Demos adamantly agreed. Watch their interesting interview above, and check out the biggest theories surrounding the case.