How Much You'll See Superman on CBS's New Series Supergirl

Supergirl is swooping into primetime this Fall, joining the very hot trend of superhero shows on TV. But with CBS series Supergirl, there's no avoiding the question of whether one of the big screen's biggest superheroes will make an appearance. That would of course be Superman, the cousin of Supergirl (aka Kara Zor-El, played by Glee alum Melissa Benoist). At the Summer TCA, Superman's presence was one of the first questions; specifically, whether we will see him.


DC Entertainment's Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns said, "He will be a factor in her life, but you won't see him exactly on screen." I can confirm that in the pilot, you hear about Superman, particularly in flashback in reference to Kara's childhood, and you do see his back, but no face. You also see far-away images of him, but again, no face; he's very much "in the background," as Johns said, but he assured us that "he does play a part in her becoming a superhero." Of course, this has to do with the fact that it's her name and not his in the title. Executive producer Ali Adler said the showrunners respect the myth of Superman, "but it's very much her point of view."

Fair enough. But should Superman or Clark Kent ever need to show his face on the CBS show, we just wanted to say: we know a guy.

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