Which Hogwarts Houses Would the Vampire Diaries Characters Get Sorted Into?

The Vampire Diaries is full of magic in its own right, but have you ever wondered how the characters would fend in the Harry Potter universe? Well, guess no longer, because we sorted all your favorite characters from the series into their own Hogwarts houses. From friendly Hufflepuffs to brave Gryffindors, Mystic Falls is filled with vampires and humans alike that fit perfectly within these specific wizarding groups. Which Hogwarts house will the Salvatore brothers be sorted into? Keep reading to find out, and check out which houses the Game of Thrones characters belong in!

Bonnie — Hufflepuff
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Bonnie — Hufflepuff

Students belonging in this house are known to be the most loyal and friendly in all of Hogwarts. We think Bonnie sacrificing herself for others time and time again definitely qualifies.

Damon — Slytherin
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Damon — Slytherin

Even though he has the sudden impulses of a Gryffindor, his determination and disregard for rules definitely qualifies him as a Slytherin.

Elena — Gryffindor
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Elena — Gryffindor

As a house that values courage and bravery, it only makes sense that the girl who fell in love with not one but two vampires would fall under this category.

Stefan — Hufflepuff
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Stefan — Hufflepuff

While we have to admit that Stefan definitely possesses some Gryffindor characteristics, his unwavering impulses toward loyalty and fair play totally make him a badger.

Caroline — Ravenclaw
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Caroline — Ravenclaw

Honestly, we couldn’t think of a more perfect house for the “insecure, neurotic control freak on crack.” Her words, not ours. With members typically being academically motivated and talented, we're sure Caroline would fit right in.

Enzo — Slytherin
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Enzo — Slytherin

We may be seeing a softer side of Enzo this season, but we’re pretty sure he’d still be sorted into Slytherin. Time and time again, he’s been incredibly resourceful and cunning.

Matt — Hufflepuff
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Matt — Hufflepuff

He definitely has patience; that’s for sure. What other person would put up with vampires roaming around town for that long?

Katherine — Slytherin
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Katherine — Slytherin

If her life as a vampire didn’t make you think she was a cunning Slytherin, the fact that she managed to cheat death more than just once should be a clear sign. She definitely possesses the house's trait of cleverness.

Alaric — Ravenclaw
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Alaric — Ravenclaw

It only makes sense that this college professor would be sorted into a house that values intelligence and wit. Not to mention he often provides words of wisdom for the characters on the show.

Tyler — Slytherin
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Tyler — Slytherin

He definitely has the nerve part of a Slytherin down pat. He also portrayed the house's characteristic of being a strong leader when he was the first hybrid to successfully break away from Klaus.

Jeremy — Gryffindor
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Jeremy — Gryffindor

As a member of the Five, the supernaturally gifted group of vampire hunters, you have to be pretty fearless. We guess being a Gryffindor really does run in the family.

Klaus — Slytherin
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Klaus — Slytherin

As a house primarily composed of pureblood students, it only makes sense that this original hybrid would be placed in Slytherin. His blood is the only one that can cure werewolf bites, after all.

Elijah — Ravenclaw
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Elijah — Ravenclaw

Seeing that this house tends to be generally accepting of others, this original vampire has to be a Ravenclaw after putting up with Klaus all these years.