5 Suspects For Who the Girls Are Burying in the Pretty Little Liars Premiere

A lot of things happen in season seven's premiere of Pretty Little Liars that might have left you scratching your head, and one of them is from the very opening moments of the episode: we see Emily, Aria, and Spencer digging a grave together looking rightfully freaked out and covered in dirt. Aria asks, "How could we let this happen? Oh my god, poor Hanna." Spencer then tells her, "Try to remember it is what she'd want." Given the tense of that statement, that could mean the girls are still separated from Hanna, who is kidnapped. Or worse . . . she's dead!

It looks like the "well-thought-out plan" the girls had ends with murder and they are trying to cover things up. We never see who the grave is intended for, but there are some theories.

We know that Mona, Emily, Spencer, Toby, Ezra, Caleb, and Aria are working together to find Charlotte's real killer in 24 hours. But by the end of the episode, Hanna escapes on her own. So who could the girls possibly be burying? Here are a few thoughts.

1. Hanna


This would definitely be the most upsetting theory since she is one of the main characters. But we know that Hanna isn't with them and she wouldn't want the girls to go down for her death if she died. So it would be practical for the girls to bury her and be very upset about it. But could they really kill her off?

"I think we should always be worried," Marlene King told Variety when asked if fans should worry about whether one of the main characters would die this season. So we shouldn't rule it out!

2. Mary Drake


It's very possible that the girls plan to capture Mary Drake in some evil act but things go sideways and they end up killing her. We know that Hanna finally sees Mary Drake when she attempts to hitch a ride away from where she was being kept. Perhaps the girls end up killing for their best friend and that's why Hanna would have wanted them to bury her.

3. Mona


It wouldn't be the first time Mona was assumed dead! Mona is part of the team, so it's very possible that she accidentally gets put in the line of fire. There is also the fact that people in the group are still suspicious of her and could have purposely murdered her! Either way, we know that Mona and Hanna may not be best friends right now, but they were at one point, and Hanna would be very upset to know she died.

4. Ali


Ali is very vulnerable because Mary and Elliot have been messing with her head. She's in a mental hospital now, but it's possible she can get out and things end badly. Perhaps Ali gets killed and the murder is framed to make it like the girls did it. It would make sense for them to bury her and for all of them to be upset about it.

5. Caleb


Sorry, shippers, but it's a possibility! Caleb and Hanna are still in love, so it would make sense that Hanna would be very upset over his death. He also has been a loose cannon lately because he's desperate to find Hanna. He could possibly make a fatal mistake because he's not in the right frame of mind. It would a lot of sense given Aria's reaction.