This Song Sounds Much Different When You Know It Was Written For Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher

James Blunt's latest album, The Afterlove, is full of tearjerkers, but "Courtney's Song" undoubtedly cuts the deepest. The track played during a tribute at the public memorial for Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher over the weekend, and Reynolds's son, Todd Fisher, said that it was "written for us." Speaking with Entertainment Tonight last week, Fisher revealed that his sister was good friends with James Blunt. "The last lyric in the song, it's a beautiful song, is, 'I'm here to let you know. I'm here to let you go.' And it's powerful," Todd said. "The simplicity of his songs is pretty amazing. It's not like it's [got] complicated lyrics but something about how he strings all this together is beautiful."

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