PEN15's Season 2 Trailer Is Here, and — Deep Breaths — It's So Wonderfully Awkward

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The trailer for PEN15's second season has everything: full-body shaves, faux-denim bikinis, that feeling that you might literally die if your best friend doesn't stop talking about your crush when he's 10 feet away. Maya Ishii-Peters (Maya Erskine) and Anna Kone (Anna Konkle) are returning to our lives on Sept. 18, and from the small selection of teaser footage, season two might be even better than season one. It doesn't give much in the way of plot (though it seems Anna's parents are definitely getting divorced), but there are plenty of painfully awkward moments and early-2000s references to love. Check out the trailer ahead, along with some very important screenshots.

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Watch PEN15's Season 2 Trailer

Maya's Mom Giving Her a Full-Body Shave
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Maya's Mom Giving Her a Full-Body Shave

Anna Perfecting Her Posture in This Spectacular Denim-kini
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Anna Perfecting Her Posture in This Spectacular Denim-kini

Maya Making Out With Herself, Because Practice Is Important
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Maya Making Out With Herself, Because Practice Is Important

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These Gym Shirts That Look So Cool When You Tie Them at the Belly

These Eyeliner Looks
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These Eyeliner Looks

This Poolside Moment That Gives Me Secondhand Embarrassment
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This Poolside Moment That Gives Me Secondhand Embarrassment

And Here
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And Here

Anna's Willingness to Make This Face
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Anna's Willingness to Make This Face

Anna's Realization That Maya Has Been Wearing Her Underwear
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Anna's Realization That Maya Has Been Wearing Her Underwear