Neil Patrick Harris Really Busted Out the Dad Jokes For the Oscars

Neil Patrick Harris is an able award show host, willing to sing, dance, and take it all off. He also has an excellent sense of humor, but for his Oscars hosting gig, he seemed to go to a well of dad jokes when he was being funny. It was as if all the dads in the neighborhood wrote all the Oscars jokes, and NPH delivered them just like your dad would. Here are the ones that made us groan (and sometimes giggle) the most.

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"This next presenter is so lovely, you could eat her up with her spoon!" — Introducing Reese Witherspoon

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"He won an Oscar. Bum ba dum dum dum dum dum." — To the tune of the Farmers jingle when J.K. Simmons won

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"Here’s someone who knows the proper way to pronounce es-car-gots!" — Introducing Marion Cotillard

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"Tonight we are honoring the best and whitest — sorry, brightest!" — Joking about the lack of diversity among the nominees

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"She's also the reason you had to explain to your grandma what a 'spanking bench' is." — Trying to make a Fifty Shades of Grey joke about Dakota Johnson

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"Welcome back to the Oscars, or as I like to think of them, the Dependent Spirit Awards." — Making a reference to the Independent Spirit Awards

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"We starred in Gone Girl, originally titled 'Bitches Be Trippin', Yo.'" — Introducing Ben Affleck