17 TV Couples Who Need to Get It Together and Live Happily Ever After

If shipping is a crime, then lock us up and throw away the key. As much as we love TV couples, some drive us nuts by either never sealing the deal or constantly getting together and breaking up. (I'm looking at you, Olivia and Fitz.) TV finale season is coming up, which means we're (hopefully) about to see some of these couples either get together or break up for good. Here are 17 couples who, frankly, need to get their sh*t together.

Caleb and Hanna, Pretty Little Liars

Caleb and Hanna, Pretty Little Liars

We've leapt five years forward. Hanna is be engaged to a very good-looking man with a very sexy accent, but her chemistry with Caleb is — and always will be — undeniable. I mean, did you see that kiss? Hello.

Sara and Jimmy, Grandfathered

Sara and Jimmy, Grandfathered

These two dated many moons ago, but they're definitely catching feelings for each other again. We all know Jimmy needs someone grounded, and Sara, well, Jimmy is just good for her.

Rebecca and Josh, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
The CW

Rebecca and Josh, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Hear me out on this one. It's obvious that Rebecca is being set up to be with Greg, but she's just not there yet . . . mentally. She needs to be with Josh to see that either it's not all it's cracked up to be, or it is and she lives happily ever after. They've kissed, but is she really ready to move on?

Parrish and Lydia, Teen Wolf

Parrish and Lydia, Teen Wolf

This GIF says everything you need to know about the sexual tension between Parrish and Lydia.

Shelby and Caleb, Quantico

Shelby and Caleb, Quantico

Ugh, how much do you hate the fact that Shelby is with Caleb's dad. So not cool, but they can get past it! True love conquers all.

Liza and Charles, Younger
TV Land

Liza and Charles, Younger

OK, we know we're supposed to be rooting for Liza and Josh, but Charles is just so manly. After that kiss on the finale, come on, it has to happen!

Emma and Hook, Once Upon a Time

Emma and Hook, Once Upon a Time

Talk about destiny. These two may be separated by literal Hell, but they find their way back together. Just please let them stay together this time!

Bonnie and Damon, The Vampire Diaries
The CW

Bonnie and Damon, The Vampire Diaries

Say it with me: Elena is basically dead, like, for now. Bonnie and Damon have such an electric draw to one another, and they should be free to explore it! So what if I do want them to stay together forever and have little hybrid babies.

Elliot and Angela, Mr. Robot

Elliot and Angela, Mr. Robot

Elliot and Angela have a rocky first season, but you know they belong together.

Jane and Rafael, Jane the Virgin
The CW

Jane and Rafael, Jane the Virgin

If you're on Team Michael, I don't want to know you. Rafael is the father of Jane's baby, and while that alone doesn't mean they should be together, it's part of the reason that they're 100 percent fated to be together.

Dean and Claire, The Grinder

Dean and Claire, The Grinder

While Claire has yet to give Dean the green light on his romantic pursuit of her, she has been slowly warming up to him. Mark my words: this will happen.

Luke and Jessica, Jessica Jones

Luke and Jessica, Jessica Jones

Aside from their (very) sexual encounter on season one, Luke and Jessica haven't really accelerated their relationship. Having said that, their characters got married in the comics, so it's only a matter of time . . . right?

Brian and Rebecca, Limitless

Brian and Rebecca, Limitless

Brian and Rebecca are the definition of the "opposites attract" rule. He's the slob to her straight-laced professional, yet they seem like they would make an ideal pairing.

Ali and Emily, Pretty Little Liars

Ali and Emily, Pretty Little Liars

It's been a while since Ali and Emily have been involved, but come on, they're MFEO — made for each other.

Avery and Juliette, Nashville

Avery and Juliette, Nashville

Juliette really needs to get herself out of that horrendous downward spiral, and Avery might be her only hope. She has a long way to go, but I believe they can have a happy ending.

Olivia and Fitz, Scandal

Olivia and Fitz, Scandal

Finally, these two just need to get it together. I would love it if Olivia were meant for Jake, but she's not. Olivia and Fitz are soul mates, for better or worse.