Get Ready For a Totally Different Version of Taylor Swift's 1989

In an unexpected turn of events for the music world, Ryan Adams is covering Taylor Swift's 1989 album, in the style of The Smiths. The musician, who memorably covered "Summer of '69" in April, tweeted up a storm on Wednesday night, sharing pictures of his lyrics sheets — literally printed off the Internet. He even started talking to Swift back and forth! Might there be a future collaboration in the cards? Here's a little sample of the exchange, plus a sneak peek of Adams's version of "Welcome to New York."

@hasief @TheRyanAdams is this true??????? I WILL PASS OUT.

— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) August 6, 2015

He then replied, like a badass.

@TheRyanAdams Cool I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight or ever again and I'm going to celebrate today every year as a holiday. I'M CALM

— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) August 6, 2015

They had, like, a FULL conversation:

Ok, so I shouldn't share this clip then...

— Ryan Adams (@TheRyanAdams) August 6, 2015

At which point, he posted a video of his version of "Welcome to New York."

Welcome to NY @taylorswift13

— Ryan Adams (@TheRyanAdams) August 6, 2015

Stay tuned for more!