Burger King's Eye-Opening Bullying PSA Will Make You Surprisingly Emotional

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I never thought I'd be left wiping a single tear from my face after watching a Burger King commercial, and yet, here I am doing just that. The fast-food chain just released a (somewhat unexpected) PSA about bullying, and it's surprisingly eye-opening.

In the video, Burger King experimented to see whether customers would be more inclined to complain about their "bullied" Whopper Jr. burger or a high school junior getting bullied right before their eyes in the restaurant. Not so surprisingly, 95 percent of customers stepped up to make a fuss about their pummeled sandwich, while just a measly 12 percent took a stand to defend the child being bullied. If that doesn't sum up how prevalent the issue of bullying is, I'm not quite sure what does.

Since Burger King first shared the PSA, the video has gone viral, garnering more than three million views to date. Watch the video above, and you'll immediately understand why it's hitting everyone right in their feels.