This Dad's Long-Winded April Fools' Prank Will Give You Heart Palpitations

An Imgur gallery of text message screengrabs aptly captioned, "He ded," is making its rounds on the internet, giving mothers everywhere heart palpitations. Bobby, a dad to an adorable little boy, began an elaborate April Fools' prank on his wife with a few simple texts asking her how her night at work was going before transitioning into reminding her how much she loves and values him as a person, which clued her in to the fact that he somehow messed up.

It seems that the couple had a photo shoot planned with their son, so when Bobby told his wife that they'd need to reschedule, she started to get panicky. "Why do we need to reschedule the pictures, Bobby?" she asked him. "I swear to god, you better tell me," she adds, after he averts the question a second time.

By this point you'll really need to buckle up and hang on tight: he sends a photo of their little boy with a chunk of his hair shaved off. We won't give away the rest of the conversation (because it gets even crazier!), but we promise the whole conversation will have you simultaneously sweating bullets with this mama and laughing hysterically at Bobby (giving thanks that he isn't your partner, probably).

Our thoughts are with Bobby, as who knows what was unleashed on him when his wife got home from work.