Katherine Heigl Is Getting Mom-Shamed Over a Photo of Her Son, and Yes, a Car Seat Is Involved

Like in most cases of mom-shaming, it all started when Katherine Heigl innocently posted a photo of her 1-year-old son, Josh, to Instagram in his car seat. That's when the 39-year-old actress's followers were quick to tear her down over exactly how her little boy was buckled in.

The caption, which was touting some of the actresses favorite baby products, read: "Every parent has a few favorite baby products they just can't live without... and I'm no exception! Items that make life just that little bit easier — bringing peace of mind, saving precious time, or simply bringing joy! I've shared a few of my 'must have' essentials in my latest post on thoseheavenlydays.com."

Although dozens of her fans doled out compliments, saying how cute little Josh is and how much he looks like his mama, others wasted no time criticizing her. "Is no one else commenting on how his chest clip is too low and not tight enough?!" wrote one user. Another chimed in with similar advice: "Not to be 'one of those people' but the chest clip really needs to be at armpit level."

And while we admit that the people leaving critical comments have a point — the clip should be at armpit level — we have no idea whether Katherine loosened it for a ride in the stroller or was even in the car at all, so keep that in mind the next time you're scrolling through your feed.