17 Reasons It's OK to Be Thrilled For the First Day of School to Finally Come

Around this time every year, some parents start having dreams of the moment when that yellow bus officially drives away. These moms survive the last few weeks of Summer with an internal countdown to the first day of school. It doesn't matter how much you love your kids, Summer break can be beyond taxing for parents and it doesn't make you a bad mom for getting excited about sending your little ones back to school. From all of the energy you put into keeping them entertained despite the heat to the stress that comes along with back-to-school prep, parents have more than a few valid reasons to look forward to that glorious first day — and shouldn't be shamed for eagerly anticipating some kid-free time while their children are learning.

Chasing kids around in the scorching heat takes exhaustion to a new level.
Flickr user ps_ttf

Chasing kids around in the scorching heat takes exhaustion to a new level.

Getting all of their school supplies and Summer assignments ready can feel like more work for you than for them.
Flickr user sanjoselibrary

Getting all of their school supplies and Summer assignments ready can feel like more work for you than for them.

You get a break from bored faces staring at you and expecting to be entertained.
Instagram | _s__i__a__n_

You get a break from bored faces staring at you and expecting to be entertained.

Too much time with your kids can make you feel like you’re going crazy.
Flickr user quinnanya

Too much time with your kids can make you feel like you’re going crazy.

It feels like your house will never be the same.
Flickr user conchur

It feels like your house will never be the same.

Back-to-school shopping can be emotionally draining … and expensive.
Flickr user sergesegal

Back-to-school shopping can be emotionally draining … and expensive.

Getting back to classes is actually good for them.
Flickr user departmentofed

Getting back to classes is actually good for them.

You get to watch your baby grow up before your eyes.
Instagram | qtbee273

You get to watch your baby grow up before your eyes.

There’s actually a lot of prep and planning involved in the days leading up to the end of Summer.
Instagram | the.painted.piano

There’s actually a lot of prep and planning involved in the days leading up to the end of Summer.

You know that the first day outfits and photos are priceless (especially for social media!).
Instagram | growinguponmainstreet

You know that the first day outfits and photos are priceless (especially for social media!).

You'll no longer have companions for every errand.
Instagram | animal_cop2648

You'll no longer have companions for every errand.

It’s the perfect excuse to purge and get organized.
Flickr user 2156889157

It’s the perfect excuse to purge and get organized.

You’ll be free from practical jokes for at least a few hours.
Instagram | stef_in_sac

You’ll be free from practical jokes for at least a few hours.

It will get them back on track to learn and blossom.
Instagram | keetinasworld

It will get them back on track to learn and blossom.

Distance definitely makes the heart grow fonder.
Instagram | mizzyrose

Distance definitely makes the heart grow fonder.