These 3 Simple Exercises Will Give You Sexy, Sculpted Arms


It's pretty typical to hyperfocus on getting your body in tip-top shape for Summer and the beach, but many of us (not pointing fingers!) tend to fall off the wagon a bit as the warmer season fades. We wanted to keep our arms strong, so we asked LA-based celebrity trainer Lalo Fuentes for a few moves to sculpt and shape sexy arms.

These three simple but effective moves are easy to do and will keep our bodies toned and powerful, well beyond the Summer months. All you'll need are some hand weights.

Bicep Curl and Overhead Press (20 Reps)

Bicep Curl and Overhead Press (20 Reps)

Downward Dog Into Cobra Pose (15 Reps)
Louisa Larson Photography

Downward Dog Into Cobra Pose (15 Reps)

Note: This move will be similar to a Vinyasa. Instead of coming into Upward Facing Dog, lower your belly to the floor and come into Cobra.

How to do Downward Dog; how to do Cobra Pose

Lateral and Forward Raises (15 Reps)

Lateral and Forward Raises (15 Reps)