Looking For Love in the Gym? These Editors Found It

POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim
POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim

Forget finding love in the club — with all the endorphins, sweat, and self-confidence building, love is most definitely waiting in the gym. Well . . . for some of us. These accounts show the struggles and triumphs of finding your swolemate, from failed flirting all the way to wedding bells.


"I was late to an afternoon yoga class at Equinox. I stepped inside the yoga studio and grimaced because the entire room was full except for a small spot and it just so happened to be near a very handsome man with long, blond hair and glasses. 'Score!' I thought to myself. Unfortunately, the girl behind me was less than enthused that my feet were so close to her head. She jumped up from her mat and huffed and puffed to scooch it backward. I felt terrible and a little embarrassed, because everyone around me, including the cute neighbor next to me, witnessed the scuffle. After class, I apologized to the girl and thanked her for the gesture, which I later found out he noticed.

"I then made my way to the smoothie joint and not a few minutes later, he strolled up too. We smiled at each other and started talking. First about the yoga class, then about our yoga practice, and I was amazed how easy and effortless it was to talk to him, especially about the things I'm so passionate about. He offered me his hand and said, 'I'm Justin' and then asked if we could be Facebook friends. Our first date was epic, complete with kite flying, a trip to my favorite vegan eatery in San Francisco, a restorative yoga class, and reading to one another from various texts about yoga. Handsome yogi is now my boyfriend and part of the reason I love him so is because we put our health (both physically and mentally) first. Most nights, our routine consists of laying out our mats and sweating it out then going home to cook a wholesome feast. And you know what? It's exactly what I envisioned as a soulmate (and swolemate!)." — Anna Roberts, editor, Food


"I was really on the fence about joining a gym, so I thought I'd walk over and check out the closest (big chain which shall remain nameless) gym. The cutest guy walked out from behind his desk at the front and asked if I wanted a tour. He proceeded to shamelessly flirt with me for 20 minutes, then right as I gave into the gym membership (with dreams of adorable gym run-ins jogging through my mind), he casually mentioned his girlfriend . . . while running my credit card for my premium membership . . . and personal training lessons. RIP my soul and my will to work out. I went to that gym approximately four times." — Maggie Pehanick, editor, Entertainment


"I was taking a Monday night yoga class and walked into the studio. I saw Mike — it wasn't hard to notice him as he was the only guy in a sea of 20-plus women. I started practicing handstands and he said, 'Oh you must have done this before.' And I said, 'I've been doing this for five years.'

"After class, we were having a going-away party for the instructor. I saw him sitting alone in the corner, eating a pear and petting her dog. He looked so lonely, and since I thought he was cute, I went over and we started talking.

"Later he asked if he could walk me out to my car (aww!). We talked for two and a half hours in the parking lot! We were both starving since the class ended at 7 but were too shy to invite the other to get something to eat. Finally he asked, 'Do you want to do something sometime?' We had our first date that week and the rest is history. We've been together ever since [eight years, with two sweet kids!] and I'm so grateful yoga brought us together." — Jenny Sugar, editor, Fitness