See Adele's Amazing Weight-Loss Transformation

As if we needed another reason to worship Our Lady of Breakup Songs, Adele has announced a massive North American tour — her first in five years — that will take place from July to November of next year. In preparation for her 25 tour, the singer has been overhauling her diet and implementing a fitness routine . . . and it seriously shows.

In her interview with Rolling Stone, Adele spoke about how she lost over 21 pounds, while also maintaining her body-confident outlook. The article read:

Adele is trying to build stamina for her possible return to the road, so she's cutting back on sugar, though not carbs altogether ("I'd never deprive myself like that!"), and hitting the gym, "to get in shape for myself, but not to be a size zero or anything like that." Her regimen? "I mainly moan," she says. Small cackle. "I'm not, like, skipping to the fucking gym. I don't enjoy it. I do like doing weights. I don't like looking in the mirror. Blood vessels burst on my face really easily, so I'm so conscious when I'm lifting weights not to let them burst in my face. And if I don't tour, you'll catch me back down at the Chinese!"

Her recent health and fitness journey can be credited to her young son, Angelo, who also motivated her to quit smoking. She said, "I absolutely loved it, but it's not that f*cking cool when I'm dying from a smoking-related illness and my kid is, like, devastated."

We commend Adele on her impressive transformation and look forward to possibly seeing her absolutely kill it in person — that is, if tickets don't sell out immediately.