A Push-Up Variation to Get Killer Arms

Push-ups are a mainstay of many workouts, but the basic move can get . . . well, a little boring. Here's a variation to mix it up a bit. This is great way to work your core and target your arms separately — which is always great for strengthening your non-dominant arm. Plus, this variation preps you for one-arm push-ups. I know I'd feel like a total badass if I could master that macho move.

POPSUGAR Photography
  • Begin in a plank then lower your left elbow to the ground, with your forearm crossing under your chest. From this position, bend your right elbow, lowering your body to the mat.
  • Straighten your right elbow and continue performing push-ups in this position. Be sure to use your abs to keep your torso stable as you bend and straigthen your arm.
  • Do five to eight reps, then switch sides.

Related: Are You Ready For the 30-Day Push-Up Challenge?