This Is Your New 15-Minute Recharge

Bust through long-afternoon sluggishness with a recharge that only takes 15 minutes. Bonus? You don't even need to leave your desk. You'll feel focused and ready to tackle the rest of the day — and your evening too. It's a mindful and healthy practice that gives your brain and body time to stop, regroup, and refresh, so carve out time for this break starting right now.

  • Meditate — three minutes: Start with this simple practice that focuses the mind and body. And even a few minutes will benefit the rest of your day. Meditation can lengthen your attention span and reduce stress, making it your new daily practice. Sit quietly at your desk and focus on your breath and nothing else. Or plug in and listen to this guided three-minute session.
  • Have a snack — five minutes: Now that you're relaxed, reach for a snack that nourishes your bod and fills you up, like Greek yogurt. Packed with protein that gives you energy to get through the rest of your day, a Chobani Flip is not only made with only natural ingredients that keep you powering through the afternoon but comes in flavor combos so good you'd swear you were eating dessert.
POPSUGAR Photography
  • Laugh — two minutes: Laughing out loud actually has health benefits. Getting a good chuckle relaxes your muscles, strengthens your immune system, and lowers blood pressure. Watch this adorable video, and you'll laugh yourself better.
  • Stretch out — one minute: Take a minute to get up and stretch, moving your body, refreshing your muscles and your spirits. You can also do a few spinal twists and even a few hip-relaxers too.
  • Jump — one minute: Get up and do a bit of cardio right at your desk. Do jumping jacks, pretend you're jumping rope, or do squats for 60 seconds. The quick session pumps blood to your brain, helps reduce stress, and ups your energy levels. If you don't feel like getting your sweat on in front of co-workers, take a brisk walk around the office.
  • Breathe — one minute: Spritz your face and body with an aromatherapy mist, such as lavender-infused water, for an instant boost. Certain scents can instantly change your mood, like citrus, floral scents, lavender, and mint. DIY your own facial mist by watching this video that infuses rose petals into the mix. Spritz your face and body, then breathe deeply for one minute.
  • Do whatever you want — two minutes: Make a quick call to a friend, check your socials, or read a page of the book you're devouring. It's a final reset before checking back in at work.

More From Chobani

Flip for the perfect snack when the afternoon slump hits. Chobani Flip Greek Yogurt is a unique combination of creamy Greek yogurt and real, delicious ingredients for an irresistibly crunchy snack that will help turn up your energy levels. How you satisfy your cravings matters, so make a moment for pure escape.