Who Knew Mark Zuckerberg Was Hitting the Gym Like This?

When you hear the name Mark Zuckerberg, you immediately think of Facebook and maybe also Jesse Eisenberg in The Social Network, but now, we're seeing the CEO in an entirely new light — in workout mode — and we're impressed. Mark recently shared a video working out with his 16-month-old daughter Maxima, and it looks like she worked him hard! He had Max strapped on his back while doing a set of five pull-ups and another video doing 15 push-ups, seen above.

"As soon as I finish she yells 'More! More!' Easily the most demanding trainer I've had," Mark wrote jokingly on, you guessed it, Facebook. Many viewers have commented on his form and on Max's head positioning while he does his pull-ups, stating that if you workout with your child at home, their head should be secured and straight to prevent any injuries.

As Mark and his wife, Priscilla Chan, prepare for the birth of their second daughter, we can't wait to see how he incorporates both his baby girls into his workouts. Way to go, Zuck!