Not Your Typical Before-and-After Story, but You'll Totally Adore Her Honesty

When most people share before-and-after photos from their weight-loss journey, you'd expect an image on the right to be smaller and fitter. Which is why when Mum on the Run posted these on her Facebook page, she received some surprised reactions. But her intent was to share a deeper story, one we as women can all relate to.

The photo on the left shows what Laura, mom of two, looked like before kids, with "a belly button that was high. A flat stomach." She was always on a diet, and people admired the way she looked and she felt proud. She said at the time, "I want to be skinny. But sh*t, when I was, I wasn't happy. And I certainly wasn't healthy."

As time passed, and her body changed through motherhood, she shares, "On the right is me now. Stretch marks. A droopy belly button. Thicker, not many bones protruding, but more dimples that represent cellulite. People don't want to see this photo. All of a sudden it's not okay. It's not pleasing to the eye anymore. It's not a body to be admired."

She felt ashamed, as many of us women do when we don't fit into this mold of what we think a perfect body is supposed to look like. And now she says, "But you know what? I have achieved more with this body, then I have with my old body. I've eaten more good foods. I've lived more, I've given more, I've enjoyed more. I've made life. This body, THIS body should be celebrated and admired."