See 1 Woman's Powerful Response to Nicole Arbour's "Dear Fat People" Video

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Popular comedian and YouTuber Nicole Arbour succeeded in breaking the Internet over the weekend when she posted a video called "Dear Fat People" — it created so much backlash that her YouTube channel was suspended. In the video, Nicole speaks her mind about obesity, voicing her frustration about people who "don't take care of their bodies." "Fat shaming is not a thing. Fat people made that up. That's the race card with no race," she claims.

She continues for over six minutes, completely slamming overweight people and not holding back at all. "Are you going to tell the doctor that they're being mean and fat shaming you when they say you have f*cking heart disease?" Nicole claims that she is not talking about people whose weight is affected by a medical condition. "If there's people watching with a specific health condition, this is not aimed at you. I'm talking about the 35 percent of North Americans who are obese," she says.

Understandably, people were pissed, and the video quickly went viral, racking up over 20 million views. Amid the backlash, Whitney Thore from TLC's My Big Fat Fabulous Life made sure her voice was heard, and she created a video in response to Nicole's video. "Fat shaming is a thing. It's a really big thing," she explains. She points out that while Nicole might not be targeting people with health conditions, "You cannot tell a person's health, physical or otherwise, from looking at them." See her response for yourself, below. No matter where you stand on the issue, there's one thing that can't be argued against: "Your weight does not measure your worth," as Whitney says.

WHAT I WANT TO SAY TO FAT PEOPLE ---> #DearFatPeople This is my response to Nicole Arbour's video (& all body shamers!) S2 of #MyBigFatFabLife premiers Wed. 9/9 at 9 on TLC! #NoBodyShame

Posted by Whitney Way Thore on Saturday, September 5, 2015