What It's Like Being Your Group's Token Healthy Friend

When you make the shift to a healthier lifestyle or take off a few extra pounds, the floodgates open. Everyone wants to know the secrets to your success, and a ton of crazy questions are hurled your way. If you're the token "healthy" friend in your family or friend group, you'll be able to relate. Source: POPSUGAR Photography

"Is that food?"

"Is that food?"

Yes. Quinoa, kombucha, kimchi, spirulina, and tempeh are all safe, edible, and yes, I'll say, delicious (gasp!).

"What do you eat every day? What should I eat every day?"
Universal Pictures

"What do you eat every day? What should I eat every day?"

More often than not, they're not thrilled by your answers — even if it works for you! The next time this question is sent your way, save yourself some heartache, and direct your pal to our healthy recipes.

"Want to do this juice cleanse with me?"
Tumblr user urbanfitopia

"Want to do this juice cleanse with me?"

All juice, all the time? No thanks. I keep my diet clean every day, so I don't need to go overboard with a liquid cleanse.

"WHAT are you doing with that pizza?!"
20th Century Studios

"WHAT are you doing with that pizza?!"

When friends see you take a bite of anything that isn't healthy, you think their heads are going to explode. You work hard, and you're allowed to indulge! You just wish you didn't have to explain yourself every time.

"Am I allowed to drink soda?"
Tumblr user ucresearch

"Am I allowed to drink soda?"

You're allowed to do anything you want! But if you want to get healthy, clean up your diet, and start losing weight, laying off soda is probably a good idea.

"Will you make sure I go to the gym?"

"Will you make sure I go to the gym?"

I'd love to find a new gym buddy who is excited about exercise, but if you're going to try to constantly bail or b*tch and moan once we're actually at the gym, maybe this isn't the right fit.

"So I want to lose 20 pounds by next month . . . "

"So I want to lose 20 pounds by next month . . . "

No matter how many times you try to explain that sustainable weight loss takes time, it feels like your friends are always on the hunt for a quick fix or weird secret. Hard work, dedication, and consistency are the keys to seeing the results you're after.