Jillian Michaels Shows Off 4 Essential Moves For Booty Gains, and Our Glutes Are Already Sore

Jillian Michaels doesn't mess around in the gym. As her latest Instagram video proves, she puts in work, especially on glute day. The tough-love trainer, who now has her own fitness app called My Fitness by Jillian Michaels, showed off four moves for booty gains, all of which will set your glutes on fire.

Her moves included:

  • Reverse leg lifts on the squat rack
  • Side leg presses on the seated leg press machine
  • Leg press to jump squat on the seated leg press machine
  • Single-leg leg presses on the leg press machine

If you're looking to mix up your lower-body workout, then incorporate these moves into glute day. You'll feel the burn right away and see booty gains in no time!