A 10-Minute Legs and Core Workout to Fit Into Your Busy Day

POPSUGAR Photography | Kyle Hartman
POPSUGAR Photography | Kyle Hartman

This workout may be just four exercises, but these moves are some of our favorites. Why? Because they get the job done! So grab some weights, and let's do this.

Legs and Core Workout

Equipment needed: Medium-weight dumbbells

Directions: Warm up with two minutes of light cardio (look here for ideas), then perform the prescribed number of reps before moving to the next exercise. Perform as many rounds as you can in eight minutes.


  • Squat and press: 15 reps
  • Elbow plank with reach: 20 reps, alternating arms
  • Bicycle crunch: 20 reps
  • Surrenders: 10 reps, alternating sides

Keep reading for detailed explanations of each exercise.

Squat to Overhead Press
POPSUGAR Photography | Kyle Hartman

Squat to Overhead Press

Adding the overhead press to a basic squat kicks the abs into high gear.

  • Stand with your legs just slightly wider than hip-distance apart, arms raised to shoulder height with elbows bent, holding weights by your ears.
  • Bend your knees as if you were sitting in a chair, keeping weight on your heels.
  • Press the dumbbells overhead as you straighten your knees to return to standing.
  • Do 15 reps.
Elbow Plank With Reach
POPSUGAR Photography | Kyle Hartman

Elbow Plank With Reach

Your abs will kick into high gear to stabilize your core as you reach forward.

  • Begin in an elbow plank with your feet set slightly wider than your hips.
  • Keeping your torso stable, reach your left arm forward, then return to starting position, for one rep. Then repeat on the other side for a second rep.
  • Do 20 reaches total.
Bicycle Crunch
POPSUGAR Photography | Kyle Hartman

Bicycle Crunch

Slow down while doing this traditional ab exercise and focus on the abs pulling to the spine — you might just find your abs shaking at the end of each set.

  • Lie on the floor with your knees pulled into your chest and your hands behind your head. Lift your shoulder blades off the ground and pull your abs toward your spine, pressing your low back into the mat.
  • Straighten your left leg out while turning your upper body to the right, bringing your left elbow toward your right knee. Make sure your rib cage is moving and not just your elbows. This is one rep.
  • Repeat this action on the other side for a second rep.
  • Do 20 reps total.
POPSUGAR Photography | Kyle Hartman


This full-body move might leave your legs feeling like jelly.

  • Stand holding weights in both hands just above your shoulders with bent elbows, and bring your right knee to the ground.
  • Bring your left knee down so you are kneeling.
  • Lift your right foot up and place it in front of you. Bring your left foot forward as you stand up. This completes one rep; continue leading with your right leg for five full reps, then switch sides for 10 reps total.