Here's How the New Fruity Crisp and Blueberry Pie Oreos Really Taste

POPSUGAR Photography | Erin Cullum
POPSUGAR Photography | Erin Cullum

By now you've probably caught on to the fact that Oreo loves to throw its loyal fans for a loop with unexpected flavors. The latest? Blueberry Pie and Fruity Crisp Oreos. As soon as we heard the news, we knew we had to do a taste test to see how each really stacks up to the expectations.

POPSUGAR Photography | Erin Cullum

The Blueberry Pie Oreos have an icing with purplish blue hue that gives off a strong blueberry scent as soon as you open the package. And our tasters agree that the vanilla cookie seems slightly different than the regular Golden Oreos, giving us hints of graham cracker and cinnamon. Overall, these were well liked among blueberry fans, but others think they're too sweet and claim that half of one cookie is all they could handle.


POPSUGAR Photography | Erin Cullum

If you love Fruity Pebbles, you'll go nuts over these. The cookie is a Golden Oreo with crunchy bits of fruity cereal mixed into the vanilla icing, and they taste like childhood in the best way. "Tastes like I'm actually eating the cereal! It's amazing," one reviewer wrote, and another thought they tasted like "Trix in cookie form."


POPSUGAR Photography | Erin Cullum

Fruity Crisp is the clear winner! Which one are you more excited to try?