This Is Not a Drill: McDonald's Has a Secret Menu!

The McDonald's secret menu is real, you guys. We had a feeling that you could score off-the-menu items, but the suspicion is now officially confirmed thanks to a UK-based McDonald's manager. The man, who says he has been working for the chain for three years, spilled all in a Reddit AMA, so the world now knows exactly what to say to order these not-so-secret meals.

Can't decide between a Quarter Pounder, McChicken, or Filet-O-Fish? Order the "Land, Air, and Sea burger" — all three combined.

Instagram | brandon_holokai

Love the McChicken but really craving a cheeseburger? There's a mashup for that, too: the (unfortunately named) "McGangBang," which is a whole McChicken stuffed inside a McDouble. This manager doesn't recommend the grilled chicken, though. "It's horrible frozen chicken that we defrost and steam and it's a bit gelatinous," he wrote.

Instagram | itsericvenzon

A site called #HacktheMenu has even more secret McDonald's orders, like a McCrepe, root beer float, and chicken nuggets with Big Mac sauce (how have we never thought of that one)?

Instagram | alyssa_amato1

Essentially, there's not a definitive list of every "secret" item possible at McDonald's — it's more like hacking the menu to your preference to get exactly what you want. "If you explain what it is, and are willing to pay for all the ingredients, it's just another order that we can make up," the manager claimed.

Instagram | laurenoliviachan

Will you try any of the secret items?