How to Make Your Pour-Over Coffee Taste Better (For Free)

POPSUGAR Photography | Anna Monette Roberts
POPSUGAR Photography | Anna Monette Roberts

Coffee: quite possibly the first good, happy thing you wake up to, so don't you want yours to taste as delicious as it can? Here are a few easy, simple tips for ensuring you are brewing only the best pour-over coffee.

  • Rinse the paper filter with hot water before brewing the coffee. Try it, and you'll discover your coffee won't take on papery flavors.
  • Use a timer. To extract the maximum amount of flavor from the beans, aim for your pour-over to take you between 2 1/2-3 minutes.
  • Aerate the coffee. You can do this by swirling it in your Chemex (if you have one) or pouring the brewed coffee between two mugs. The power of oxygen really does round out the coffee and release incredible flavor notes.