The Easiest Way to Make Veggie "Rice"

You can slow-cook pasta, so can you slow-cook veggie noodles? I had no idea, so I turned to an expert, Inspiralized blogger Ali Maffucci. Ali told us, "Yes, you can, but first you must make rice out of spiralized veggies. It's really simple — you just obviously spiralize your veggie first, using the thinnest blade, like the spaghetti blade. Then you pack them into a food processor and pulse them a few times, 3 or 4 seconds, and then they're rice-like, and you can use them."


Genius! Now here's where the slow cooker comes in. "I do think one of the easier ways to use a slow cooker and spiralized veggies is by using the rice, so I'll fold the rice in during the last half hour-45 minutes of whatever's in the slow cooker. I'll let that cook. That's a quick way to get them in." I'm personally dying to try this in Ali's vegetarian bean chili.