Just When I Thought I’d Tried Everything, This New Coca-Cola Flavor Blew My Mind


With its thirst-quenching flavor, delightful bubbles, and signature glass bottle, Coca-Cola might be one of the most beloved beverages on the planet. I've been drinking it for years — at pizza parties in middle school, through long nights of studying at college, and whenever I need a pick-me-up today. So when I found out that there was a brand new flavor on the scene — Orange Vanilla Coke — I knew I had to get my hands on a can.

First Impressions

First Impressions

At first glance, I was already intrigued. The classic red Coca-Cola can got a fun update for this new flavor, too. A bright orange streak covers the top of both of the Orange Vanilla Coke and Orange-Vanilla Coke Zero Sugar cans, adding a bit of pizzazz to the design.

The Taste Test

The Taste Test

That extra flair comes through in the flavor, too. It resembles the original Coca-Cola we all know and love, with the iconic caramel color and same zippy bubbles. I tasted the hint of bright orange flavor first, then the smooth notes of vanilla. It's definitely still Coke, just with the addition of a unique, intriguing flavor combination. If you already love Vanilla Coke, you're sure to be a fan. Orange Vanilla Coke is the perfect way to switch it up!

Where to Find It

Where to Find It

Want to try it for yourself? Check the Coca-Cola website to find a store that carries Orange Vanilla Coke and Orange Vanilla Coke Zero Sugar in your area.