Even the Biggest Skeptics Will Give Eco Living a Second Chance After They See This House

This English home isn't just beautiful, it's also beautifully energy efficient! The builder, Colin Usher of John McCall Architects, shared that his client wanted a simple and inexpensive eco-friendly family home that could be run at little cost. And boy, did he deliver! The home's energy usage has been almost completely offset by energy production from the solar panels. After two-and-a-half years living in the house, the total energy costs for heat, light, hot water, and cooking are less than £20. That comes to about $2 a month!

Colin achieved these amazing results by orienting the home so the solar panels would come into the most contact with the sun and making it extraordinarily insulated by using materials such as masonry, picking a concrete structure, and installing triple glazed windows. This uncomplicated and reasonably priced home — the property is valued at about $358,000 — proves that sustainable homes aren't just for the wealthy! Peek inside the innovative property in the images ahead.