The Genius Flowerpot Trick You've Never Thought of Before

Whenever you accidentally drop a flowerpot or it falls and breaks, your first instinct is likely to throw it out. If it can't hold the soil without it spilling out, what's the point? Well, thanks to some gardeners with creative minds and crafty skills, we've discovered a genius solution to transform broken pottery into charming outdoor decor. Read on to see all the inspiration you need, and try your hand at this hack the next time you find yourself with pottery that's gone to pieces.

What starts as a broken flowerpot . . .

What starts as a broken flowerpot . . .

Becomes a castle!

Becomes a castle!

. . . Or a bird-house oasis.

. . . Or a bird-house oasis.

Switch up your Halloween decor this year.

Switch up your Halloween decor this year.

Showcase your succulents in a new way.

Showcase your succulents in a new way.

Add charm to your deck or balcony.

Add charm to your deck or balcony.

It doesn't have to be perfect.

It doesn't have to be perfect.

It definitely takes a little skill (and patience).

It definitely takes a little skill (and patience).

But the possibilities are endless!

But the possibilities are endless!