Zooey Deschanel Is the New Girl in This Shockingly Suburban Neighborhood

Zooey Deschanel has long been known for her quirky style and unconventional choices, so it came as a big surprise when she purchased a suburban home that would impress any Stepford wife. The 5,166-square-foot Manhattan Beach, CA, home has a white picket fence and everything! At over $4.5 million, the mom-to-be's purchase definitely indicates that she's ready to settle down and raise her family.

With six bedrooms, open living areas, and tons of natural light, the home is certainly a perfect place for any growing brood. Check out the pictures of the property below, and you'll see why America's quirkiest actress chose this neighborhood to be a new girl. Source: Getty / Jon Kopaloff, CRMLS


The home doesn't have much outdoor space, but its ideal beach town location means easy access to the ocean.


Though the home is simple, we love the little details (like these bathroom fixtures).


Hardwood floors and natural light give the entire home a delightfully airy feeling.


Another angle of the living room, which has a fireplace and high ceiling.


The home's closet is killer.


Built-in wine storage? Yes, please!


Though Deschanel's new home is suburban, this bathroom is far from boring.


The open concept home is perfect for raising kids. Look at all that space!


We'd love to cook a meal in this kitchen.


Cute, right?