Start the New Year Off Fresh by Tackling These 3 Problem Cleaning Areas

One of my most favorite things in the world is coming home from a trip to a clean apartment. There's nothing like being exhausted from traveling and being able to jump into a made bed with fresh sheets. So every year before I head home for the holidays, I make sure to take a day to really deep-clean all those problem areas of my house that have been overlooked for the past year. When I get home that first week of January, it's to a sparkling clean start to the year. Keep reading to find out which areas of your home you should clean before you head out to celebrate.

Kitchen: Counters and Stovetop

Kitchen: Counters and Stovetop

I don't know about you, but I like to use a lot of different spices and oils when I cook — all of which have a tendency to sputter and spit in heat on the stove. In no time, there are spills and mysterious sticky areas coating my stovetop. I use Clorox® Clean-Up® Cleaner + Bleach to clean all those messes and disinfect the area while I'm at it. I do the same for all my kitchen counters — especially in all those nooks and crannies (think: under the toaster) that have buildup.

Living Room: TV Console and Beneath the Couch

Living Room: TV Console and Beneath the Couch

Have you ever noticed how dusty and gross your TV console gets? For some reason, it's a piece of furniture I never pay attention to. Same goes for the bookshelf in my living room — seriously, where does all the dust come from?! And if you want a real shocker, pull your couch to the side and take a look at all the random debris that has gathered there. I hit it with my Dyson, then give the tile floor a good scrub-down with Clorox® Regular Bleach with CLOROMAX®.

Bathroom: Vanity and Tub

Bathroom: Vanity and Tub

If you have a tub (or a shower, let's be real), there has to be some buildup, even if you clean it on a regular basis. Get all that deep-set soap scum and bath-bomb residue out of there for good by giving it a once-over with diluted Clorox® Regular Bleach with CLOROMAX®. It's the tried-and-true solution for getting the tub back to its original shining white. Another problem area in my bathroom: the sink and the vanity. I like to take this year-end opportunity to get all the left-behind water residue off the nozzle, the handles, the stopper plug, and the mirror above the sink using Clorox® Clean-Up® Cleaner + Bleach. That way, I can head into 2020 fully beautified and germ-free.