Why Senior Citizens Are Flocking to This Adorable Home Trend

Tiny Home Builders

There's a new home-building trend sweeping the senior community that gives true meaning to the phrase "less is more." Tiny houses are popping up all across the country thanks to companies like Tiny Home Builders, Tumbleweed Tiny House Company, and Minim Homes. These projects throw tradition out the window and focus on providing senior citizens with an alternative to assisted living facilities.

To give you a little perspective, the average American home measures 2,600 square feet, while microhomes average 100 to 400 square feet. But despite their small size, the homes include all the necessities of standard-sized home: kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, and living areas. Many of the homes are senior-friendly featuring wheelchair-accessible bathrooms and low countertops, and some are even mobile (deeming them certified RVs) so they can actually be placed directly in the backyard of a caretaking family member.

Aside from size, they also appeal to seniors because of their low-maintenance nature and lack of stairs. Check out the video below and keep reading for a glimpse at some current listings, but we should warn you that they're so charming and cute, you may even want one for yourself.