Camila Alves's Back-to-School Trick to Get Kids Out the Door on Time Is Simply Genius

With three kids headed to school this year, Camila Alves has a trick or two up her sleeve to get everyone out the door on time. The lifestyle expert and Yummy Spoonfuls cofounder shared the easiest one on Instagram just hours before the first day of school for Vida, Levi, and Livingston.

"Night before first day of school! I have practice [sic] with my kids to set their school outfit the night before now it is a habit I don't even have to ask . . . how cute is this . . . one last thing to worry about in the morning! #firstdayofschool," Camila, who is just back from spending some time in Rio de Janeiro with husband Matthew McConaughey for the Summer Olympics 2016, captioned the photo above showing Vida's uniform look from head to toe. So smart!