What Would Gina Rodriguez Call Her First Album? The Answer Will Make You LOL Until It Hurts

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Consider Jane the Virgin's Gina Rodriguez the official The Late Late Show With James Corden educator. After teaching James how to box back in January — accidentally getting a little too close to the host with her left hook — she was back on Nov. 14 to show off her other hidden talent: salsa dancing.

Sharing the stage with singer and actress Idina Menzel, Gina opened up about how she'd love to release an album, jokingly saying she would call it "gina" — as in short for vagina. "It's a big [flashes a middle finger] to all of those who wanted to call me 'gina' [when I was a kid]." Before we could even stop laughing at that comment, she added the album would be her Lemonade, referring to Beyoncé's album of course, but with salsa dancing. Prompted by so much talk of her 10 professional dancing years, James and Idina were up for a lesson, and with Gina's help the pair mastered the moves in mere seconds. We're impressed! Watch the full hilarious clip above.