The Case For Cozying Up to "Mr. Right Now"

Who says every guy you date has to be "the one?" YourTango makes a case for being in it for the short haul.

Mr. Right — a guy who treats you well, makes you laugh, has his life together, and could potentially be "the one."

While many of us would like our relationships to end in "I do," sometimes dating someone you know isn't going to be your partner in the long run can be the right thing for you, right then.

"I dated a Mr. Right Now a long time ago, and I did it for the material! He was a pre-ecumenical Catholic, and I was writing a comedy about religion . . . and he was attractive enough . . . so it was perfect! I got loads of great material for my play, and had a good time too!" — Tara, 31

"I loved my first boyfriend to death . . . although he didn't quite get along with my family. For me, it was not a question that my Mr. Right had to be loved by my family. I think I only kept him in my life as Mr. Right Now because it was comfortable. Eventually, he wore on me, and the tension with my family made it hard. He was never going to be Mr. Right, but he gave me the comfort and attention I needed at the time to be my Mr. Right . . . then!" — Christina, 22

"Here's the thing — I know this guy is not right for me. He cannot be trusted, he's arrogant, and can be a tad selfish. But I can't get enough of how he makes me feel. We're silly together, yet have an almost carnal desire for each other. I'm normally a somewhat controlled, semi-conservative person, but he just manages to free all that. Coming from a relationship where I didn't feel desired, this is just what I need and want right now. I can enjoy him, and us, without letting it drive me crazy, and can accept that this has an expiration date." — Melissa, 35

"I dated a guy that I (secretly) referred to as 'the puppy.' He had long, shaggy hair, big bright eyes, and was young and constantly smiling. He also a serious case of ADHD. We made out at a bar one night, and the next day he was attached to my hip. He serenaded me with songs on his acoustic guitar, and made me breakfast every morning. He was devoted, loyal and so adorable. But I knew I could never take him seriously. I felt like he was more of a boy toy than someone I could introduce to my friends. But he built up my ego, so I couldn't let him go. After more than two months of seeing him every day, I came to find out that this puppy didn't belong to only me — he had a girlfriend in his hometown upstate!" — Jordana, 23

"The summer after college I was working at a grassroots non-profit, and met my ex there. We both agreed it wouldn't be good to tell anyone, and the sneaking around made it that much more fun. I knew from the start that it wasn't going anywhere, but after moving home from college, I figured I might as well have a little fun while figuring out what I was going to do with the rest of my life. Sometimes you need the pointless flings to find your focus for the bigger things in life." —Meghan, 26

For more testomonials, head to YourTango: "Mr. Right" Who? 11 Women Make The Case For Dating "Mr. Right Now"

—Danielle Page

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