You Will Cry Openly After Reading This Note a Wife Left Her Husband Before She Died

When Mississippi man Jimmy Breland lost his wife of over 60 years, he found comfort in an unexpected place. Two days after her passing, Jimmy discovered a note that his wife, Billie Breland, had placed inside her checkbook. Cliff Sims, grandson of Billie and Jimmy Breland, described his Mimi and the handwritten gift she left her husband of more than six decades to find after she passed:

"I heard so many stories about the impact my Mimi had on people's lives over the years — from students she taught to friends she did life with. There's nothing like the celebration of a life lived well and a legacy that will last for generations. But I couldn't help but think about my Grandaddy — the single kindest, most generous man I've ever known — having to wrestle with the Earthly loss of his sidekick of over six decades.

But always being one to consider everyone else before herself, my Mimi found a way to ease the pain.

She was an avid note writer . . . She wrote down funny things that happened or quotes she wanted to remember, all in the perfect cursive handwriting that could only belong to a school teacher. We don't know exactly when she did it, but she left one final note tucked inside her checkbook — but this one wasn't for her, it was for my Grandaddy, and it perfectly sums up the hope and comfort that comes with knowing you'll meet again . . . "

The note reads: "Please don't cry because I died! Smile because I lived! Know that I'm in a happy place! Know that we will meet again! I'll see you there!"

Cliff Sims via Yellowhammer News