How the Internet Helped Track Down the Strangers in This Picture-Perfect Proposal

When a Redditor secretly captured a gorgeous New York City proposal, they summoned the power of the internet to help the stunning photo land in the hands of the newly engaged couple. Reddit user JTran1 snapped the candlelit proposal in New York's Brooklyn Bridge Park on a misty day and left the scene without showing the couple the picture. Later on, the sneaky photographer posted the shot on Reddit with the caption: "To the newly engaged couple — I hope this picture finds you! Congratulations!" And the internet graciously accepted the challenge of uniting the lovebirds with the picture of the special moment.

The photo was posted on multiple subreddits, as the site's users came together to track down the couple. No more than three hours later, the groom-to-be joined Reddit under the username newly_engaged and happily commented on the thread.

JTran1 quickly responded to verify the couple's identity and offer to send more photos of their proposal.

The icing on top? This man's proposal ended in a yes!